Chapter 20 – Becoming a Website Developer

Next project was to build a new Ecommerce Website.

Like many of you I am sure, who have had the experience of working (or trying to) with web designers without the skills to create what is required, my first experience was a site that was all coded so I was not able to make any changes, every time you wanted something added or corrected, then it cost money!

The next experience ended abruptly when the tech was sent to jail!

So when I went searching for another web designer I was very careful. I met Shaun Ross, in fact when I  interviewed him… he was so great, I had to ensure he was going to be around for the long haul (and he needed to be a lot younger than me!). Shaun has a great relaxed style and easy to talk to – did not try to drown me in “tech language”. He works from home, which, and like me works into the evening hours!  So we hit it off and have had a great alliance ever since.

As I have never had a computer lesson all my skills have to be learned along the way, I have a journal and every time I learn a new skill – write it down until it becomes embedded – that’s how I have learnt.  I must say now I am very competent on the computer and do pretty much everything myself.

But my biggest helper is my IT man Shaun Ross from

When it came to building a new Beauty for You Website, the first task was to find a platform to do the job. I chose Big Commerce and with Shaun, we started to build the site.  Shaun did all the techie stuff but allowed me to do all the copy, adding all the products, writing the stories etc and when I needed help he showed me what to do – rather than doing it himself.  Awesome.  Neville took all the photos for the site and I uploaded them.  This did not happen overnight I might add, but we created a great site which we are very happy with and continue to update regularly. Since then I have built several new sites for other projects, along with my mate Shaun.