Chapter 11 Nutri Metics Frantastics Team Achievements

Our team name was “The Frantastics”


A great name as all our members were fantastic and we all loved having the Frantastics on top of the leader board each and every month.

Nothing would have been achieved without our amazing team of Consultants and Directors which grew to over 2,000 strong.  We built this team with the philosophy of “each one teach one”, with everyone supporting each other and sharing in our successes.

Spotlight on Janice Cleghorn

Janice joined my team in 1988 and from that moment on became a true and trusted friend. Janice has followed me on my beauty journey right from the beginning, no matter what new idea I come up with Janice is there committed 100% all the way. We have shared so many memories and achievements together and we are definitely not done yet!

No one could ask for a better friend and beauty partner – she shares her experience and knowledge with her customers and consultants willingly and has built a very successful home-based business. She is a wonderful example of how you can succeed.

Introducing Janice Cleghorn – her story

E + R + O

The Events in our life, plus our Reaction to them  =  the Outcome.

I met Fran Muntz in 1988 when a friend took me to a makeup class. This meeting opened doors that in my wildest dreams I would never contemplate.

I very quickly learned that this lady in her quiet way was what I call a “Trail Blazer” with work ethics and knowledge I had never seen before.

Fran’s philosophy and one she lives by is to “Help people help other people” and not only does she share her knowledge and time with you she teaches you how to teach others.

I married a farmer and in 1963 we purchased and took over “Baverstock farm” three weeks after our wedding.

In those days working off-farm was not an option and my days were filled with bringing up the three children that were born over the following years, developing a garden, feeding shearers, helping on the farm whenever needed, attending to the bookwork and of course living in a country community I became involved in all the community activities. My biggest challenge then was persuading my husband to let the fence down so I could develop a larger garden!

This was about to change!

Meeting Fran came at a time when I was free enough to add something else to my life, not that I knew what it could or would be.

Fran introduced me to a home-based business that literally filled my life with fun, education, satisfaction and pleasure and gave me independence through an income where I didn’t have to rely on the family farm.

Prior to my marriage, I was a Secretary/bookkeeper in a Tractors and Implements firm and I didn’t have business skills in sales, cosmetics, makeup artistry or how to manage a group let alone do a presentation.

Everything I learnt was through Fran who trained, mentored, taught skills that gave confidence and education and provided the tools to build a business.

Having learnt the basics about skincare and makeup artistry, Fran offered me the opportunity of a lifetime!  In March 1988 I became a qualified Colour Consultant with Fran’s Belda Academy.

Over thirty years later I still love every minute when doing colours and style and makeup for a new client.

The colour business took off and I was appointed Director of Nutri Metics in 1990.

This position gave me airfare to Christchurch to a Director Meeting once a month where alongside Fran I was inspired, motivated and learned leadership and business skills.

1993 I achieved my first company car and fully paid seminar in Sydney for both my husband Alan and myself. 1994 we both attended the Seminar in Hong Kong. Being in a home-based business meant the family could enjoy some of the special benefits and luxuries that this business afforded them.

Fran is a natural-born teacher and mentor and gives everyone the chance to succeed without exception. Everything I learned in the beauty and colour business was because she continues to train and made available courses with experts in their field so that we learnt from many the different aspects that would enhance our lives and business.

Some that come to mind:

A top Personal Image Consultant who dressed the TV Presenters and other notable New Zealanders.

Professional Makeup artists from Australia and New Zealand for in-depth course on Makeup artistry and skincare. There were many over the years but mostly it confirmed to me, Fran was the professional and a better makeup artist and teacher than others she introduced us to.

Communication skills was a valuable lesson from an expert in the field after which I joined Toast Masters to continue to learn to do presentations.

I was encouraged to take part in Two-day course: Self Esteem and Development where we learned about people and our reaction to them.

I was a volunteer for “Look Good Feel Better” in Invercargill for a number of years.

The list is long as over the years Fran always had ways to develop skills and knowledge for the people around her.

Being involved opened doors, friendships have developed and I have met so many wonderful people.  Confidence comes with knowledge and this lead onto so many invitations to events.

Some examples and those come to mind: invited to be one of the Judges for Miss Southland Contest.  A judge at the Gore A & P Show Queen.  Co-ordinator for the Show Queen Competition at local Clutha A & P show and spent time teaching the young ladies ways to present themselves.  Guest speaker for National Machine Knitters Seminar held at Ascot Invercargill. People from NZ and Australia.

Guest speaker for rural women’s “Stepping out” in the following districts. Clinton, Waitahuna, Heriot, Clydevale, Owaka, Omakau. Presenter, Middlemarch Lions Club.  Mossburn Plunket. Rural Women Tarras.

I often drive into a new district to do a presentation or maybe bra a fitting clinic and think how lucky I am to be able to go there and meet new people.

For several years and for one week each year I taught the senior class at the South Otago High school personal development.  Later I was invited to The Lawrence Area School to present a similar class.

These are just a few of the events that came into my life because I learned the skills from Fran.

A significant change came when Fran and Neville had the opportunity to set up and manage Jeunique International in New Zealand. (Fran and Neville purchased this company a few years later and renamed it “Beauty for You Ltd”)

I was on board from the moment they told me about Jeunique and within that business was the opportunity to fit and sell a very unique bra and undergarments. A beautiful natural skincare range and cosmetics and a colour and style system that is “second to none in the world”. All these divisions made a successful business for me and one that I could work from home.

I quickly became an Executive Director of the company and earned a car of my choice which was a brand new white Ford XR6 Sport. I was so proud of that car and the generous reward plan meant that I was able to keep it by working the business and doing the volume.

During the time when Fran and Neville managed Jeunique for Mr Nobbs, I attended three International Seminars. Two in the USA where a cruise was the highlight and the other was in Australia.  It was amazing to be part of a large team of Directors who were the people that helped to drive the business and the awards were many for being top in sales, top in Sponsoring, and Queen of the Seminar for Australasia.

None of these events in my life would have happened if I had not met my beautiful, friend, mentor and teacher.

Her talents and tenacity in starting up a business from scratch with products that were unknown and not yet established in New Zealand were nothing short of amazing.

Fran has the ability and intellect to learn and develop new skills and while it was a massive job setting up a new business I will always be grateful that Fran and Neville gave me the opportunity to be part of their life and given me a business and lifestyle that I love.

Fran has lived through a period of changes in her life and today as Fran embarks on another amazing stage in her beauty business I am with her all the way as this lady creates excitement, is a Leader of People and I’m sure she wrote “The Steps to Success Manual ”!

Fran and Neville promote the “Natural Values of Life” and they live by this philosophy.

We are in the business of giving people positive experiences and I feel privileged to be part of Fran and Neville’s company that offers so much.

Janice Cleghorn

Spotlight on Lynn Davey

I met Lynn when we moved into Rotiti Street, Maia in Dunedin she was our neighbour and we instantly became good friends.   Lynn welcomed us into the neighbourhood and helped make us very welcome, her hospitality is second to none – she is a great cook!

I introduced Lynn to my business – Nutri Metics and we had so much fun, it was such a pleasure to teach Lynn new skills and how to build her own business.  We did everything together and Lynn was always a great enthusiastic member of the team.  She has a beautiful caring nature and a great sense of humour so fitted beautifully into the Beauty Business.

Lynn built a great personal business with a very loyal customer and consultant following.  Whenever I came up with a new service or idea – Lynn was keen to add that to her business and added Colour and Style consultations to her services and became a very successful Belda Colour Consultant, which complimented her Nutri Metics business.

She became a District Director and managed her own team – the next goal was the Nutri Metics Car Program the ultimate achievement and within a short period of time, Lynn achieved her Company Car♥  We all rejoiced with her achievement and she had many happy miles of driving in this zippy car.

We moved away from Dunedin and shifted to Christchurch, but we have always kept in touch and it has been a pleasure to see Lynn continue to follow in the Beauty Industry, even today.  I am so pleased she agreed to add her comments to “My Story” as she was a very important part of my life and we remain true friends.

Introducing Lynn Davey – her story

I joined Nutrimetics under Fran’s wing after my third child was born, to give me something to do.  But what I got was a mega-dose of self-confidence, a whole lot of new friends, many of which are still existing friendships, memories I never would have gained from anywhere else and an awareness that I can do anything if I try.

I went from thinking “I can sell a few lippies for fun” to building a team, achieving a car and my first taste of setting my own goals.

I decided to be a Belda Colour Consultant and Fran’s training and mentoring just took me to the next level of sell awareness, I needed to cut loose and discover who I was.

The skills I gained from my time with Nutri Metics and Belda really grounded me and guided me to where I am now – still in the Beauty Industry as a self-employed Holistic Beauty Therapist.

Even though Fran lives in the South and I in the far North, we are still in touch and I can honestly say that the years I spent in her magnetic field were the catalyst for who I have become and I remain forever grateful for her time and wisdom in my life and the fun on the way.  Sooooo much fun♥

Lynn Davey